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Pool Breeze Optimight Tablet

Pool Breeze Optimight Tablet Pool Breeze Optimight Tablet
Pool Breeze Optimight Tablet Pool Breeze Optimight Tablet

Pool Breeze Optimight Tablet

The Pool Breeze Optimight tablets are the first step in the Pool Breeze Optimight 3-Step System. These slow dissolving tablets will help sanitize your pool water, without adding extra unnecessary stabilizer (CYA) that could throw off the chemistry of your water. Safely boost the chlorine in all pool systems.

Note: For every 10 ppm Free Chlorinne (FC) added by this Cal-Hypo product, it also increases Calcium Hardness (CH) by 8 ppm.”

We support local suppliers and having a minimal carbon footprint so the brand you receive may vary.
We have ramped up production and our C5 Cassettes are back in stock